Wednesday, March 9, 2016

MS Tech Conference Developer Experience

The Developer Experience or the Peter Villadsen and Robert Badawy Power Hour

Developer experience and customization in the newest release of Microsoft Dynamics AX
(Click to download full presentation deck)

Ok. After the first session with Peter and Robert it was clear that the organizers needed to move this and all future Dev sessions to Century Link Field. It was insane in my membrane. People were camped out on the floor, auctioning off seats to the highest bidder, and everyone had their lighters out at the end waiting for the encore!

First off, gone are the days of the inherent X++ code compiler. It was a nice vehicle but it is being replaced by the might and power of Visual Studio. It is very similar to C# but picture C# with an AOT. The code is no longer written in the AOS. You will need the AOS to compile, test, and run though.

All artifacts are now essentially classes and XML. More on this later in the blog on META DATA.

Speaking of the AOT, it looks the same but under the hood it is vastly different. Introduced are objects called MODELS. A Model is equivalent to a module such as General Ledger. The Model contains all related artifacts such as tables, data types, classes, etc.

Another big buzz word we kept hearing was DELTA, in this case meaning an incremental change. Deploying code will no longer be entire code sets, only the Delta! DELTA FORCE! Chuck Norris would approve.

Another BIG shift is the use of EXTENSIONS. This is an easy way to extend inherent artifacts. This is a huge time saver and housekeeping advance for those of us customizing the S**T out of AX.

For continued engagement in the community check out this Linked In group for developers of the New AX

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