Tuesday, March 8, 2016

MS Tech Conference Supply Chain and Product Configurations

There were two of us from Ouray at the conference and we tried our best to divide and conquer. It was tough because we are both developers and naturally drawn to Peter Villadsen and Robert Badawy and the wisdom they were imparting at the very popular development sessions.

We each downed multiple cups of caffeinated beverage and set off to battle.

Product Configurator AX7
Product configurator in Microsoft Dynamics AX (click to download slides)

Building on the route floor advances in 2012, the New AX is making ht job card experience easy to personalize and configurable per device. There is better PO visibility for the users.

*UI Digression... You can know search all of AX menus from one search bar. BAM!

  • Has been optimized for speed
  • Handles many more dimensions than previously
  • Filters to show only feasible dimensions per product
  • www.signalr.net
    • Adds real time web functionality to ASP.NET apps.
    • Great for Chat, long polling, page refreshes

Supply Chain

I am not sure about other conference goers but it was hard for me to focus on the details in some of the functional sessions; I was too enamored of the new Web Client. I am reviewing my notes from Supply Chain and I remember tweeting that navigation and UI was stealing the show. I had to train myself to look past the pretty objects allow the boring, ahem, important details sink in.

The team has focused on the usability and ease of set-up of products. Creating products can be simplified with the use of suggested variants such as color palates. Route building for new products has also improved with step by step guide to adding the proper routes. The Gantt chart has also been improved although my notes are not clear as to how... I told you I was memorized by the interface.

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