Thursday, March 24, 2016

Peter and Robert's XLNT Adventure part TWO

The new X++ compiler and the Microsoft Dynamics AX development platform click to download
The new X++ compiler and the Microsoft Dynamics AX development platform click to listen

Strange things were afoot at the Tech Convention and the Earl of Villadsen and the Duke of Robear were giving us a heavy dose of "Check this out," during the developer sessions!

The X++ code base is not well-structured for larger data sets and VS projects and therefore the concept of loading everything into one project would be unbearable. Now there is an assembly for each package. These assemblies are composed of net modules and PDB files. each NM contains code for artifacts that are similar in nature. This makes for more efficient use.

AX has introduced IGNORE LIST of for code assemblies that push the boundaries of code generation and legacy code.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Peter and Robert's XLNT Adventure part ONE

The new X++ compiler and the Microsoft Dynamics AX development platform click to download
The new X++ compiler and the Microsoft Dynamics AX development platform click to listen

Dylan knew something about AX even in the 60's
The times they are a changin', and change they have... the compiler is completely rebuilt from 2012, not one line of code! - Peter V

This has been a four year endeavor to rewrite from scratch in C# by a small team, which expanded, and came up with a set of tools available to us end-using developers.
  • The Visual Studio intellisense engine.
  • The extensible Best Practice engine.
  • The Code Migration tools.
  • Other ad-hoc tools
As an example of the flexibility of the new XLNT, Peter crowed about someone that had used a web-based app to search all of the artifacts in AX7 using XLNT. This is certainly most non-heinous.

Monday, March 21, 2016

eX PLUS PLUS (X++ for those not into phonetics)

The X++ language click to download the slide deck.
The X++ language VIDEO click to watch Peter in his glory.

Mister Villadsen was at again highlighting the NEW X++ language changes during an informative and fun-filled session, yes fun-filled. Where else are you going to get an X++ genius using arcane terms such as "Cludgy" or "Syntatic Sugar?"

I must start with a digression... Did anyone else think that the dude from the stock image on the opening slide looked like a bizarro Kevin Costner? I could not get it out of my mind at each session.

Anyways, X++! If you build it better they will come! As it was with every other P-Vill sesh, this one was standing room only.

X++ does remain the the vehicle for development in the NEW AX with some changes to promote consistency with other langauges, integration with the CIL and some general house cleaning to sweep away quirks and cludgy elements. The goal is to keep X++ familiar enough as to not scare away legacy developers but evolve it in strategic ways to innovate and attract C# dev folk.

All artifacts are now classes. ALL of them. Every last one. Forms? Yep, Classes? Meta and Yep. Queries and tabular objects? Yep and yep. The designer experience is a little flat, flattened on purpose to be view-able on one page. Not sure that I am going to like this change

  • Can now declare variables anywhere in code
  • Can now use ‘var’ variables as a shortcut
  • Will set data type on assignment
  • Static constructors supported

Friday, March 18, 2016

What are you waiting Form, check out Patterns in the NEW AX

Form patterns in Microsoft Dynamics AX click to download slide deck

Form patterns in Microsoft Dynamics AX (BSAX54) THE VIDEO!

Form patterns are a shift from the purely customized form structure in AX 2009. Ahhhh, freedom to do as you please. BUT, customization is the answer to and the cause of all your problems!  In 2012 we get limited template support and a few pain points as a bonus: no feedback without the form style checker, no help building the forms, and not all forms fit a pattern. 

Introducing the new and improved Form patterns! The NEW AX FP's define the basic structure, the objects and controls, and the meta data.

Some highlights:

  • Consistent UI
  • With patterns there are guaranteed responsive designs
  • Validation (validates against the patterns in dev)
  • Simpler/faster construction

Thursday, March 17, 2016

I never Meta Data I didn't like.

Mining the metadata and authoring X++ best practice rules in Microsoft Dynamics AX click to download the slide deck
Mining the metadata and authoring X++ best practice rules in Microsoft Dynamics AX The Recording!

I recently watched the Lego Brickumentry and found out that the little bricks that I grew up loving originated in Denmark. I immediately thought that Denmark has produced some extraordinary influences; including Dynamics AX Rock Star, Peter Villadsen. Not only is Peter knowledgeable in AX but his style of delivery and cadence in his technical sessions are a genius blend of intellect and curmudgeonry that keeps a room of nerds on edge.

Meta Data has a HUGE role in the new AX...

Some of the most impressive aspects of the meta data shift is the accessibility of the data on which AX is built. This also shifts the processing from a server to file access!

Monday, March 14, 2016

It is all about the WEB and FLOW

It is all about the WEB and FLOW

Productivity and anywhere access through the Microsoft Dynamics AX  web client experience (click to download the slide deck)

Considering where AX is headed, this session opened up with an appropriate quote from one of the moderators,Todd Lefor, "Put your head into the cloud and start dreaming!" This a call in response prompted by the age old adage, "Get head out of the clouds and stop daydreaming."

Obviously, the UI of the New AX is beautiful. Gorgeous. It is built on the web for the web. The application is available in all modern browsers using native web controls that we are all used to seeing. The genius is that unless you as developer are looking to build custom controls you do not need to know HTML or Java Script with AX in the Cloud.

The Form Style Checker introduced in 2012 has morphed into Form Patterns.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

MS Tech Conference Developer Experience

The Developer Experience or the Peter Villadsen and Robert Badawy Power Hour

Developer experience and customization in the newest release of Microsoft Dynamics AX
(Click to download full presentation deck)

Ok. After the first session with Peter and Robert it was clear that the organizers needed to move this and all future Dev sessions to Century Link Field. It was insane in my membrane. People were camped out on the floor, auctioning off seats to the highest bidder, and everyone had their lighters out at the end waiting for the encore!

First off, gone are the days of the inherent X++ code compiler. It was a nice vehicle but it is being replaced by the might and power of Visual Studio. It is very similar to C# but picture C# with an AOT. The code is no longer written in the AOS. You will need the AOS to compile, test, and run though.

MS Tech Conference Master Planning

GRAND MASTER P (Master planning, for those confused by my 80's rapper title)
What's new in Master Planning for Microsoft Dynamics AX  (click here to download slide deck)
NEW What's new in Master Planning for Microsoft Dynamics AX Video link

On to the Master of the Planning. A lot was made of the improvements in performance of Master Planning, especially as it relates to the cloud and Azure. Azure will be using Azure SQL and it has a specific set of limitations including a timeout period. The tech time solved this by sending "keep alive thread" every few minutes.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

MS Tech Conference Supply Chain and Product Configurations

There were two of us from Ouray at the conference and we tried our best to divide and conquer. It was tough because we are both developers and naturally drawn to Peter Villadsen and Robert Badawy and the wisdom they were imparting at the very popular development sessions.

We each downed multiple cups of caffeinated beverage and set off to battle.

Product Configurator AX7
Product configurator in Microsoft Dynamics AX (click to download slides)

Building on the route floor advances in 2012, the New AX is making ht job card experience easy to personalize and configurable per device. There is better PO visibility for the users.

*UI Digression... You can know search all of AX menus from one search bar. BAM!

  • Has been optimized for speed
  • Handles many more dimensions than previously
  • Filters to show only feasible dimensions per product
    • Adds real time web functionality to ASP.NET apps.
    • Great for Chat, long polling, page refreshes

Supply Chain

I am not sure about other conference goers but it was hard for me to focus on the details in some of the functional sessions; I was too enamored of the new Web Client. I am reviewing my notes from Supply Chain and I remember tweeting that navigation and UI was stealing the show. I had to train myself to look past the pretty objects allow the boring, ahem, important details sink in.

The team has focused on the usability and ease of set-up of products. Creating products can be simplified with the use of suggested variants such as color palates. Route building for new products has also improved with step by step guide to adding the proper routes. The Gantt chart has also been improved although my notes are not clear as to how... I told you I was memorized by the interface.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Microsoft Technical Conference 2016 - Day 1 General Sessions

MS Tech Conference 2016
We are a week or so removed from the Microsoft Technical Conference 2016 and my brain is still hurting. Pounding actually. I crammed so much information in, I had to plug one ear for fear that information would start plopping out onto the conference floor. If you stepped in a pile of X++ code outside of room 613, it was probably mine. Sorry.


General Session – Dan Brown and Sri
I arrived with my work mate David not sure what to expect. I had attended two previous tech conferences under the presumption that Microsoft was unveiling the next version of AX; sometimes called Rainier or AX7.

We entered the main hall ready to hear from Dan and Sri. The room was full, over 1300 attendees, and electric and I knew that this was finally going open the gates to the next level.

Dan set the tone, focusing on the high-level thought process behind the now awkwardly titled, The New Dynamics AX. He emphasized the reasoning behind the development of TNDA. Gave us a road map of the next year and the planned roll-out of TNDA: Available to new users in the cloud and on premise upgrade stories. AX2009 users are going to have to wait because our story is still being written.  Let’s cross our fingers it is a story of hope and triumph and not penned by Step hen King.  

Other Dan Brown highlights:
  • Expect faster to market updates and implementations rolled out by MODULE to better ensure successful results.
  • More languages available upcoming
  • Get to know the term TELEMETRY!!
  • 10 current customer LIVE
  • The Excel integration is excel-ent! Does anyone out there like Excel? Holla! Think about all the things you can do now with Excel and AX and add 100K. J
We heard about the cloud, Azure, and LCS. I sat in on an LCS ASK THE EXPERTS session and was impressed. More on that from Day Two!

The client experience is off the chain. Is that still a saying? Doesn’t matter. It is web-based using HTML5 and java script and built with mobile in mind.

Dashboards are stepping their game up. These can very easily be customized per user. Work spaces (think old MENU options) are also customizable and are made exponentially more useful with filters. Here is a link to a blog with more details AX7 Workspaces

Sri came out of the gate swinging and wowing us with DEMO after DEMO of the good stuff. He showcased:
  • Work space customization
  • Customizable BI reporting using the include POWER BI license
  • User based data for Conference Room Pilots

However, the biggest, coolest, kickiest-ass thing, from a sheer user experience, has to be the task recorder. Sounds boring but it is a functional giant compared to its big brother. It is the Greek god, Grapho-Morpheus! (Although, I did talk to a few conference goers who held belief that it does have its Achilles heel. Time will tell.)


  • Much more guided through each recorded step to assist in on the fly training (Task Guides)
    • Can convert a recorded task into:
      • A Word document
      • A test case for development or performance testing purposes
      • Upload to LCS
      • A stand-alone mobile application
        • For instance I could record a task of creating a sales order, then create a mobile app that has all the fields and processes from the recording in it so that the reps could create an order from said mobile app.

I left the main hall barely able to hear my own thoughts above the buzz in the room. It is truly an exciting time to be a part of the Dynamics AX community. Microsoft is clearly putting its weight behind the product to, as another blogger wrote, drive the technology instead of adapting it. 

I will be adding a recap of the DAY ONE sessions that we attended later this week.

Microsoft Dynamics AX Virtual Launch

Join the Microsoft specialist team as they take you through the details, analysis, and considerations behind the new Dynamics AX. Also, learn more about the technology stack behind Dynamics AX at the global Microsoft launch presentation on March 8th and 9th.

AXUG happenings for MARCH 2016

AXUG programming has stepped it's game up! 

Check out these quick links :

Webinar highlights from the next 2 weeks...
  • Virtual Conduit LCS Series: Setting up LCS Environments
    • Mar 9 12:00 - 1:00 PM ET
  • Microsoft Tools: Power BI - Can't Live Without It
    • Mar 9 12:00 - 1:00 PM ET
  • Prof. Dvlpmt. Series: Successful Facilitation for Brainstorming and planning within Groups
    • Mar 10 12:00 - 12:30 PM ET
  • Summit Survey Says Top 10: Microsoft Dynamics AX Health Check
    • Mar 10 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET
  • MRP Monday
    • Mar 14 12:00 - 12:30 PM ET
  • Dynamics AX for Dummies: Purchase Orders
    • Mar 15 1:00 - 1:30 PM ET
  • Power BI vs Traditional BI
    • Mar 18 12:00 - 1:00 PM ET
  • What's New in the New AX: What's New Developer
    • ***Must attend if you did not go to Seattle***
      • Mar 18 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET