Wednesday, May 25, 2016

AXUG Summit 2016 - Big News!

Click here to read a blog explaining the new Microsoft commitment to Summit. In general, this is a very positive step with a caveat... Not to turn Summit into Convergence or some huge move away from the intimate setting of Summits past. Fear not... there are very strong and passionate leaders in the community and on the planning board, such as Kelly Kane and GG Rowe, that have got your back! Much of our last meeting was a discussion on ways to avoid losing the Summit touch.
Some highlights I took away from the announcement:
  • Opening day Keynote from 'Big Dogs" at Microsoft
  • Expanded AX road map discussion with Microsoft Execs
  • Expanded presence of Microsoft support engineers available to answer questions and to be involved at each breakout session for back-up resource.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns to pass along to the Summit 2016 planning committee!

Register for Summit 2016
Cheers ~B~

Thursday, May 5, 2016

AXUG Summit 2016 - Session Ideas

{BEHOLD...Blaring sound of Conch shell} (Which, by the way, is made up of a mermaids trill, a sea captains shanty, and the light humming of 1000 narwhals. I digress)
The brave ladies and gentlemen of the committee helping plan the programming sessions for AXUG Summit 2016 need your help! This event is meant to serve the USERS and the best way in which this can be accomplished is to get the USERS involved!
Please take a moment and send an email, make a phone call, or tap an AXUG chapter leader on the shoulder and pass on some ideas for some Seriously Super Summit SessionsAll topics: Master Planning, Upgrades, Finance, Retail... you name it!
If you are ready to take the next step and present, click here to submit a proposal - Summit Proposals
We are looking forward to all of your valuable input!